Microsoft Word shortcut keys: Tips and Tricks
Microsoft word is a very commonly used office program, useful for letter and article drafting.
If you are using Microsoft Word daily, maybe you know some great shortcuts to up your productivity in Word. But maybe you don’t know all the tips and tricks below. Some may be familiar; all are helpful! (Note: Ctrl for PC users; Cmd for Mac users)
Add a hyperlink.
First, copy the URL you need. Method one: Highlight the word or phrase you’d like to add a link to. Press Ctrl+K to bring up a box. Type Ctrl+V+OK to paste in the URL.
Change capitalization. Highlight the text in question. In the Home tab, find the “A a” button, then choose the capitalization option you need. (Or, select your text and
Change line spacing. Click anywhere in a paragraph. Ctrl+2 will double-space your text; Ctrl+1 will single-space it. Ctrl+5 will give you one and a half spaces. You can use these shortcuts according to your requirement on multiple paragraphs as well—just highlight them first.
hit Shift+F3 to toggle the case.)
Customize AutoCorrect. Open File, Options, Proofing. Click AutoCorrect Options. Now you can create your own auto-replace rules for text.
Move text within a document. We all know Ctrl+X = cut and Ctrl+V = paste. You can highlight the text you wish to move, then hit F2. Put your cursor where you want to move the text and hit Enter.
Smart Lookup. Highlight a word or phrase to get more information or find a definition. Right-click on the word or phrase and choose Search Definition.
Generate filler text or Lorem ipsum. Type “=lorem(p,l)” into your document. Replace the “p” with the number of paragraphs you’d like and “l” with the number of lines. Then, hit Enter.
A Few Quick and Easy Tricks
En dash. (–) Ctrl+Alt on the number keys
Em dash. (—) Ctrl+Alt+the minus sign on the number keys
Highlight a word, then Ctrl+
Open a new blank page. Cntrl+N
Highlight a word, then Ctrl Shift+
Create a bullet: Type an asterisk, press Tab, type your text.
Select a single word. Double-click on any word.
Select a sentence. Ctrl + left click anywhere in a sentence.
Select a line of text. Put the cursor at the beginning of the line. Hit Shift+down arrow.
Select a paragraph. Put the cursor at the start of a paragraph. Hit Ctrl+Shift+down arrow.
Delete one word. Ctrl+ Backspace
Find and replace. Ctrl+H
Go to a specific page. Ctrl+G+the page number
Create a page break: Ctrl+Enter
Create a blank page: Ctrl+N