How to create blog

How to Design a Blog
Knowing how to design a blog is very important for every blogger. If you have created a blog, now you have to design it well to give an excellent look to your blog.

The blog should be simple and easy to load but should have SEO optimized.

Because when you create a new blog, its design is very bad. Both visitors and search engines don’t like it.

How to design your Blog

Therefore, after creating a blog, it is essential to design it first. On this post, you will tell you about how to design a Blog. By following which you can give your blog a great and unique look.

Blog design is very critical Work. If you do not do it properly and change the design repeatedly, it will not be suitable for your blog.

So, after creating a blog, you must first Design it well. Follow The Best Blog Design Tips below.

New Template Upload

After creating a Blog, There is a Default template on your blog. But you need a stylish, attractive, and professional-looking theme for your blog. A great theme helps in designing a blog.

And there are many Features on it. Like the Email Subscribe Widget, Social Share button, Author Box, and many more widgets, you can Customize according to your own.

You can Remove Unwanted widgets. And once you put the theme on the blog, you don’t have to change it. Why changing the blog Template can cause traffic to go down.

So you have to select the best theme for your blog. And on the Internet, you will get millions of free and paid Themes, which you can upload to your blog. And when choosing a template, you have to check these few points.

Blog theme should be fast Loading simply, SEO Friendly, Mobile Responsive, User Friendly. Select such a template and add it to your blog. And after uploading it on the blog, customize it according to your own.

The important sections of blogs.

After uploading the template to the Blog, it has to be designed in the top, bottom, Left – Right, and Middle.

And these four sections are called

  • Top section: Blog Header.
  • Side section: Sidebar for widgets.
  • The middle section is the Main Section: For Articles.
  • Bottom section: Footer.

Now let’s learn about them

How to design a blog Header
blog desiging tips

The top part of the Blog is called the header. And on this, you have to Edit, design and Add Blog Domain, Logo, Favican and Menu Bar.

Add custom Domain

If you create a free blog, then the length of your Domain name is higher. Like, it doesn’t look like your blog is professional. Therefore, in blog design, you must first change the domain name.

And a short name. Visitors can also easily remember a Custom Domain Name from GoDaddy or BigRock. Add it to your Blog.

Logo Design

The logo is a Graphical element. You also have the identity of your blog. So you have to Create a unique and Unique Logo for your blog.

And the logo is very tall, like Lattermark Wordmark, Pictorial, Mascot etc. You can design your Logo. And to create a great logo, you can use Photoshop and Canva tools.

After designing, upload it to the header of your blog.

Favicon Design
Favicon Browser Tab. And it looks very small. But you also have to design it. And if you have created a blog on the Blogger, you have to show the Favoricon of the Blogger on your Browser.

So you design it on your own. And if you have created Blog on Blogger, make Favicon size 16*16 pixels. And on WordPress, Design a favicon of 512×512 pixels. Then Add it to your blog.

Blog menu bar Edit

The design of the blog From the Menu bar also looks Professional with Unique. And on the Template, it already happens. You have to edit it according to your Blog Topic.

How to design a Blog

And for this, you have to edit your Template. Follow this post on how to edit the menu bar of the Blog for complete janakari.

Design the Footer Section

After the header of the blog is designed, you now have to create the bottom part of the blog. And on the Fotter section, you also have to design the Author Box with Important pages; Email subscribes Widget and Attribution Widget.

Important pages.

You may have seen some pages like About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer page on the Fotter of most blogs. Through these pages, Visitors, and Google get information about you and your Blog. Also, your blog looks professional.

And if you want to earn money from Google Adsense, it is essential to have all of these on your blog. So you must Add all these pages to your blog.

Email subscribe Box on Blog
How to design a Blog

Not only to design a shirf blog, It is also necessary to put an Email subscribe box on the blog to increase traffic. The blog from the Email subscribe box looks Attractive and Professional.

It also helps in bringing returning visitors to the Blog. So you add it to your blog’s Footer.

Attribution Widget
No matter why you created a blog on any platform. If you are self-hosted on WordPress or free on Blogspot. Your blog is Powered by WordPress or powered by WordPress.

And this is called the Attribution Widget. To design a professional Blog, you have to Delete or Edit it. And if you want, you can also add a link to your blog.

Blog Side Bar Design
After designing the top, and bottom of the Blog, now it is the turn of the left and right side of the blog, which we call the sidebar. And the sidebar on the Template is on the right side in someone.

Both sides are Left and Right. It would be better if you keep the right side on the same side. Because using both sides enables Visitors to view or read the content of the middle.

Use a blog on the side. And if you have a Double side sidebar on your Theme, you Hide or Delete the sidebar of the left side.

Social Share Widget
blog ko design kaise kare

This is already on every Template nowadays. And through the Social Share Button, you can easily increase your Social Followers.

Your blog also looks Attractive. You just Edit the Widget and add the link of your Account on all Social buttons. And if you want to place the Widget on a different place of the Sidebar, Change it.

Popular Post Widget
You can tell which posts of your blog have been liked by people through the popular post Widget on the Sidebar. And the design of this blog will look great, only seven visitors will also spend more time on your blog. That would be a good thing for any blog.

Therefore, it is important to add a Popular post widget to the blog’s sidebar.

Note – If you haven’t started writing a Post now, you can do it after writing a few posts.

Category Widget
A blog looks beautiful only when its Navigation System is good. Visitors are impressed by you. It’s easy to find them on your blog.

So to make the Navigation System of the blog Better, You should add The Blog Category or Label Widget on the Sidebar.

Facebook Like Box
You can also add your Facebook page to the blog’s sidebar. You can also Like your Facebook page from your blog.

In addition to these, you can Add Recent post Widget, Recent comment Widget, Search Bar on the sidebar of your blog. And if you want, you can also make the Sidebar Sticky.

But remember, using more widgets or Plugins on the blog slows down the loading speed of your blog. So, I think you need to add a widget.

Design the Main Section
There is a Blog post in the main section of the Blog. And the main section on a Template may not be perfect according to you. So you should also design and make some things user Friendly. Which will make your blog look great. And visitors and Google both like your blog.

Front Size change
On the Defult design theme, The Front Size is quite Small in Px. Which is very difficult for visitors to read. And your blog also looks very Ugly. You change it and make 16 – 24 px according to the Minimum template.

And if you are on the Blogger, then you are on the advanced option of Template{font-size:16px;}

Past this code and save it. (Px you can change according to your own )

blog ko design kaise kare

You must have seen the Author Box on the blog of many bloggers. Which is written about the owner of the blog. You also put an author box on your blog.

And give him information about you. It will make your visitors know about you easily. In addition, the design of your blog will be more attractive with the Author Widget.

How to design a Blog

We have also added A Social Share Button on the sidebar. But now we will add the social share button at the end of the blog post.

After reading this blog post, if any visitors find your post good, then they can easily share it. And the social Share Button will not be good for the design of the shirf blog.

Instead, your social sharing will also increase and you will also get more visitors.

Blog design is a very important part of Blog design. Do not make any mistake in designing so Blog. Whatever Tips I have told you above, if you follow them in a good way, then you will not have any difficulty in giving a good look to your blog website.

So do not add too much color on your blog and too much Widget on the Home page with the tips mentioned above. Because over Widget, the loading Speed of your blog will be very slow.

Finally, These are the tips to design a blog that anyone without coding can give a new stylish look to their blog. I hope you now understand how to design a blog. But even if you have any problem, tell us on the comment box below.

Will be happy to help you.